raster - Outputs laser power based upon pre programmed rastering data
loadrt raster [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] |
The raster
component converts a single raster program line to laser
The position pin is slaved to the axis that the raster line
maps too.
The raster program must be programmed for each raster line
that is to be executed.
The port must be programmed prior to a raster line being
A python
component RasterProgrammer (lib/python/RasterProgrammer.py)
is provided to ease programming of the raster component.
configs/sim/axis/laser shows an example of how these pieces
could be integrated for a functional laser engraver
A program line
format is as follows:
pixels};{pixel_data ....}
a float. It indicates the start position of the raster line
relative to the current axis position.
A negative program_offset indicates that the raster sweeps
from positive to negative
A zero or positive program_offset indicates that the raster
sweeps from negative to positive direction
an integer. It indicates the precision of a pixel value and
consequently the number of bytes consumed per pixel value.
A bits per pixel of 4 takes 1 character (0-F) and scales out
from from 0.0 to 1.0 (0 being 0 and E being 1.0). F
corresponds to off or -1.0
A bits per pixel of 8 takes 2 characters per pixel, 12 takes
3 characters per pixel etc...
a float that represents the size of a pixel in machine
1 would correspond to 1 pixel per machine unit, 100 would
correspond to 100 pixels per machine unit.
an integer that indicates the length of the raster line in
The length of the rasterline in machine units would be
number_of_pixels / pixels_per_unit
pixel_data: a
series of hexadeicmal digits ([0-9][a-f][A-F]) the
represents the pixel data.
bits_per_pixel determines the resolution of a pixel and how
many hexadecimal digits per pixel.
pixel data characters have no delimiter between each pixel.
4 bpp is one character per pixel
8 bpp is 2 characters per pixel
12 bpp is 3
raster.N (requires a floating-point thread)
raster.N.position float in
input coordinate for raster
raster.N.reset bit in
resets the component
raster.N.program port in
pixel data used by the raster
raster.N.run bit in
starts the raster
raster.N.enabled bit out (default: 0)
When a valid raster program is running.
raster.N.output float out (default: -1)
current output level command
raster.N.fault bit out (default: 0)
If error has occurred
raster.N.fault-code s32 out (default: 0)
Code of fault
raster.N.state s32 out (default: 0)
current state
raster.N.program-position float out (default: 0.0)
base position of program at run start
raster.N.program-offset float out (default: 0.0)
offset to start of pixel data
raster.N.bpp s32 out (default: 0)
bits per pixel.
raster.N.ppu float out (default: 0.0)
pixels per unit
raster.N.count s32 out (default: 0)
pixel count
raster.N.bitmap-position float out (default: 0.0)
calculated position in bitmap
raster.N.current-pixel-value float out (default: -1.0)
current loaded pixel value
raster.N.previous-pixel-value float out (default: -1.0)
previously loaded pixel value
raster.N.current-pixel-index s32 out (default: -1)
currently loaded pixel index
raster.N.fraction float out (default: 0.0)